ArchiveTalks & Events
Course / Workshop

Workshop: Zander Porter

15 Jul 2023 11am-12.30pm

Zabludowicz Collection
London NW5 3PT


Artist and choreographer Zander Porter invites participants from across spectra of movement, (dis)ability, and (dis)embodiment curiosity/experience to explore emoting exercises, cyborg mirroring, and replicant (dis)identification together. Through guided psychosomatic micro-ceremonies, the group will explore feeling (or emoting), articulating, seeing, and facializing in relation to each other and each other’s devices, virtually and corporeally. This intimate workshop aims to construct and experience an “identity blip matrix,” complicating neurotypical relationality and reorienting notions such as I/you/eye, we/techno/us, other/consumption/individual, queer/here/when, and this/🥺🤓🤔😵‍💫/that.

Zander Porter is a Berlin-based artist and choreographer, working between liveness and onlineness. “Byproducts” (performances) at this intersection are articulated as matrices of queerer relationality.

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