
towards the light

20 Jun-20 Jul 2024

London W1T 1NZ


Towards the Light aims to concentrate on the use of white as an artist’s search for, or expression of, light – taking inspiration from this vast art-historical backdrop.

gallery rosenfeld is thrilled to present ‘Towards the Light’, a multidisciplinary exhibition featuring fourteen international artists. Thematically, each artist is primarily concerned with the colour white, and how it can be utilised to either give off, or absorb, light.

The use of light, the expression of light, the limitations of light: these have all been the primary motors of art across the centuries; from Caravaggio’s invention of chiaroscuro and Dutch 17th century Still Life’s to Monet’s Haystacks and Soulage’s Black paintings. However, the use of white as a predominant colour, only arrived in the art historical lexicon in the 1950s, during the Minimalist period, with artists such as Kazimir Malevich and Robert Ryman making all-white paintings.


towards the light- press release