ArchiveExhibition (online)

Journeys - 'On Paper'

5 Jun-6 Jul 2024

JD Malat Gallery
London W1K 4NB


JD Malat Gallery is thrilled to announce Journeys, an online exhibition showcasing eight artists’ works on paper. The medium of paper serves as a vital bridge, seamlessly connecting the intangible realm of creative thought with the tangible world of artistic expression. Despite its pivotal role in translating an artist's vision into reality, the embedded narratives within the canon of Art History often relegate paper to notions of 'practice', 'elementary', and 'unfinished'. Journeys severs these appendaged perceptions, offering a profound re-evaluation of paper's significance not just as a preliminary tool for larger canvases, but as a conduit for the purest forms of artistic innovation, exploration, and expression to come to fruition.

Journeys sees artists Henrik Uldalen, Sophie-Yen Bretez, Yann Leto, Andrew Litten, Darren Reid, Georg Oskar, Kojo Marfo, Erin Holly, and Luis Olaso, use paper as a medium to communicate what is innate within them, whether it be for methodical planning, emotional exertion, creative ideas, or psychological manifestations. It invites audiences to embark on their own journey of discovery, where the inherent beauty and versatility of paper is revealed in all its splendour.

Visit online exhibition


Journeys- press release