
NAMACO—Mega Dreoilín

10 May-25 May 2024

Pallas Projects
Dublin D08 A970


Pallas Projects/Studios are pleased to announce NAMACO —Mega Dreoilín, the third exhibition of our 2024 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.

“A committee of vultures sweeps the Dublin sky. Composed of landlords, investment funds and the political juggernaut known as Fianna Gael, they pursue a bloodthirsty quest to dominate all land and wealth, leaving death and destruction in their wake. 

But unknown to them, an underground force unfolds its wings. Foretold by the Ancient Celts as An Dreoilín or Draoi éan - druid bird - the tiny wrens emerge as a fearless foe.

As main character Em (they/them), you must battle landlords, Gardaí and vultures across four Dublin-based levels. But can you uncover the Mega Dreoilín, an ancient energy field within yourself and your allies, in order to face your final adversary?”

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NAMACO emerges from a decaying Dublin to unleash bizarre edutainment products on unsuspecting landlords. Headed by Han Hogan and Donal Fullam, NAMACO makes video games that demystify housing precarity, cultural space scarcity and the effects of corporate landlordism in Dublin for a generation of renters unwillingly trapped in adolescence. Featuring a cast of characters which includes Avril Corroon, Ian Lynch and Rory Hearne, Mega Dreoilín posits that Ireland’s age-old  land question is not as complicated as our political representatives would have us believe.

16-bit video game Mega Dreoilín is a radical reimagining of edutainment designed for the  demographic of ‘Generation Rent’. Positioning itself as a revolutionary instructional manual, Mega Dreoilín allows players to learn about the bureaucratic land dominance imposed on Ireland by successive waves of colonisers, landlords and global multinationals, as well as the strategies required for collective resistance against these sinister powers.