
Bloc Billboard: Marie Smith

5 Oct-6 Nov 2023

Bloc Projects
Sheffield S1 4RB


Selected from our Bloc Members’ Billboard Commission open call, Marie Smith's audio-visual work 'The Body in Space' reflects on the artist’s engagement with landscape and the body in space. Elements of this work were collected during a residency in Spain, where Marie explored a very different landscape on their own. The experiences of dryness and gravel contrasted greatly to the textures of British landscapes, provoking questions about their body in space: what is one’s relationship with nature? How does one’s identity shift when no-one is there to provide any acknowledgement? Using collaged analogue photography and a recording of a solitary Marie walking (and stumbling), The Body in Space performs the complicated work of introspection and of (not) coming to terms with one’s self.

Come visit the piece any time of day outside our gallery on Eyre Lane.