ArchiveTalks & Events

Louisa Buck in conversation with Elsa James and Harold Offeh

27 Oct 2023 7-8pm

Colchester CO1 1JH


Artists Elsa James and Harold Offeh join art critic, Louisa Buck for a fascinating discussion about the role of art can play in challenging stereotypes, highlighting and addressing social injustice, and creating a platform for forgotten narratives and hidden histories.

Join us for this lively debate where the artists will delve into their own personal motivations, inspiration and the processes behind their work, plus their journeys to become professional artists.

As with all the artists in this series, Louisa will also be asking Elsa and Harold what they each feel is most important for us to focus on as one society, post-covid. How can we build resilience and reconnect as a society?

Live an also online via livestream

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