
Photo London | ON THE NOSE: Gunter Sachs & Alexei Izmaylov

11 May-14 May 2023
PV 10 May 2023, 11am-9pm

London W1W 8SQ


Shtager&Shch is proud to present Gunter Sachs at the 2023 edition of Photo London.During his lifetime, Sachs’ reputation as a visionary artist, pioneering gallerist and influential collector were in part overshadowed by his celebrity status and jet-setting lifestyle. Amongst many contributions, Sachs presented Andy Warhol's first large scale exhibition in Europe and commissioned Roy Lichtenstein to paint a series of panels for his residence. One could argue he left a lasting impression in Pop Art — a legacy comparable to that of René Magritte or Salvador Dalí for Surrealism.As a photographer documenting the emerging youth and counter culture movements of the late 20th Century, working closely with fashion models and socialites, he created an enduring record of glamour and excitement of his time that still questions and challenges societal norms. Sachs combined his well–documented joie de vivre passions with curiosity in art history to create surrealist portraits, nudes and landscapes, often manipulating these genres into absurd scenes with saturated hues and unexpected juxtapositions. By applying colour filters, using multiple exposure and expanding on the concept of the found object — his work evokes a dreamlike and sometimes unsettling quality.

The photographs presented at Photo London include early nudes and landscapes as well as pieces from Heroines, the artist's 1991 collaboration with Claudia Schiffer. These are placed in dialogue with a 2018 sculptural installation by Alexei Izmaylov whose work is composed of procured industrial elements and everyday objects as an investigation of the relationship between play and power, consumption and desire.

Stand G-19, Courtyard Pavilion, Somerset House

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