
36/50 Eva Grubinger

8 Sep-13 Sep 2015

London SW1Y 5AH


Eva Grubinger concentrates on the medium of sculpture, and through processes of estranging and encoding, shifts of material, scale and context, she investigates spatial qualities in relation to currencies of socio-political, architectural contexts and visual arts language often referencing Minimalism and Conceptual Art. Her first solo exhibition in London entitled ‘Black Diamond Bay’, explores a cluster of abiding interests: the maritime as a metaphor, colonial adventuring, correspondence between the world of a century ago and that of today, and associations of darkness. The exhibition responds directly to its location, as does the title, which references an imaginary place in Joseph Conrad’s Victory (1915) and the 1976 song by Bob Dylan. ‘Black Diamond Bay’, is the third of four fig-2 projects that utilises two venues at the ICA; the Theatre and the Studio, and in both of these spaces explores the continuing appeal and risk of travelling to unknown territories.