
Birth : Curated by Charlotte Jansen

4 Oct-9 Nov 2019

TJ Boulting
London W1W 7EG


YING ANG, POULOMI BASU, JUNO CALYPSO, ELINOR CARUCCI, CYNTHIA CERVANTES & TRAVIS GUMBS, CHARLOTTE COLBERT, MAISIE COUSINS, SIÂN DAVEY, IRINGÓ DEMETER, MADELINE DONAHUE, TRACEY EMIN, HESTER FINCH, ANDI GÁLDI VINKÓ, FERGUS GREER, LOIE HOLLOWELL, RACHEL HOWARD, ANNA LUKASHEVSKY, PAULA REGO, BOO SAVILLE, BERBER THEUNISSEN, AGNÈS VARDA, HERMIONE WILTSHIRE, CARMEN WINANT, AVIYA WYSE. We all experience birth - and yet, unlike sex and death (art's favourite subjects) encounters with birth in contemporary art are rare. Birth is the universal subject - so why is it so obviously absent in contemporary art? This group show, curated with Charlotte Jansen, explores the representation of birth and surrounding topics, from pregnancy to egg freezing, and the taboo, trauma, joy, pain, and psychological and physical realms it inhabits.