
Late Nights & Early Mornings Relief Journal Launch

27 Sep 2013

London EC1Y 8PT


As part of Late Nights & Early Mornings, join us for the launch of Relief Journal Issue 1: Class, a publication that documents the space between making and displaying, originating as an exhibition proposal, which grew into a display on paper. The overarching theme of Relief is to address the requirement of the political within this ambiguous space of ideas and their relation to exhibition. Each issue is themed and practitioners are invited to make a submission on this theme, the theme for issue 1 is Class. Contributions have been made through on-going discussions, works in progress, live performances, archival documents, historical works re-configured and research. - Contributors: Florian Auer | Braco Dimitrijević | Hayley Dixon | Damian Griffiths | Hedwig Houben | Jonathan Miles | Fay Nicolson | Christodoulos Panayiotou | Hannah Sawtell Curated by Nicholas Smith | Edited and Designed by Heidi Kawai Smith - Launch event and exhibition with works by Florian Auer, Hedwig Houben and Fay Nicolson Exhibition continues over the weekend until Sept 29th