
Lot's Wife

8 Mar-18 May 2012

Salisbury Arts Centre
Salisbury SP1 3UT


Tom Badley, Richard Box, Elaine Breen, Doug Clark, Julie Cockburn, Roger Hiorns, Nick Mobbs, Bouke de Vries, Daphne Wright. In the Book of Genesis, Lot's Wife was petrified – physically transformed into a 'pillar of salt' – in the course of an instant of disobedience. In that momentary transgression, she lost her humanness. But her physical substitution made her immortal as a symbol, ironically perpetuating her identity even as it eclipsed it. The Bible does not tell us her individual human name but the mysterious symbol she became is identified by that prior role. The works in this exhibition take familiar objects or materials and through a variety of ministrations make them into something new which, crucially, retains a vestige of their former identity. They lose any former functionality and cease to have a functioning name that operates as a signifier, so that we no longer 'know what they are'. Like Lot's Wife, the exact process and purpose of the transformation is shrouded in mystery, but elevates the original components to a new status.