
Group Show

9 Feb-23 Mar 2012

London W1W 8SW


From studies to original works of Art, selected EB&Flow artists will explore various aspects of the use of paper, marking their different practices. The exhibition will offer proof of the ongoing importance of paper to contemporary Art practice. It will also reveal the ceaseless experimentation in terms of content and practice that artists continue to display; whether this takes a traditional form or breaks newer ground. Results of drawing, painting, printing, sculpting, incising, folding or texturing will question the visitor on the place and quality of the paper in the creation exercise.  Briony Anderson, Gemma Anderson, Neil Ayling, Marc Bowditch, William Bradley, Ross M. Brown, Dagmar Buelher, Manuella Carrano, Annie Cattrell, Sue Corke, Cristobal Lehyt, Nicholas McLeod, Gianna Moise, Katie Louise Surridge, Christian Zuzunaga.