
Man in the Dark

8 Oct-7 Nov 2010

The Woodmill
London SE16 3QN


Bettina Samson (FR) Jane and Louise Wilson (UK) Jon Rafman (CAN) Lottie Cantle (UK) Christian Newby (US) Joost van den Toorn (NL) Stuart Croft (UK) Daniel Gustav Cramer (DE) 'Man in the Dark' embraces the ambiguous and illusory nature of humanity's belief in self- betterment, in turn exploring the frictions that exist between our search for emotional wellbeing and our desire to develop intelligently. The works included present opposing ideologies and deal with processes of perceptual, mystical and ritual transformation. Positing the irrational and unexplainable as central to the production of artworks the exhibition functions on the fringes of the logical.