
Krister Klassman : Pocket Stones

3 Oct-8 Nov 2014

London E1 7TP


Krister Klassman’s sculptures engage with the possibilities and traditions of the medium, combining historic materials and processes within a more contemporary context. The works often suggest a former life or function, containing deeper histories. Krister Klassman, b.1981, lives and works in London. Recent exhibitions include ‘Taschensteine’, Mars!, Munich, 2014, ‘This Glitch’, Blythe Gallery, London, 2013, ‘Krister Klassman’, COLE, London, 2012, ‘Only A Suggestion’, Gallerie Flute Douce, Frankfurt, 2012, ‘Arab Spring’, Plaza Plaza, London, 2011, ‘New Contemporaries’, A Foundation, Liverpool/ICA, London, 2010, ‘Bold Tendencies III’, London, 2009