
Aki Kondo : HIKARI

23 Sep-31 Oct 2016

The Daiwa Anglo-japanese Foundation
London NW1 4QP


On 11 March 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake hit the north-east coast of Japan. At that time, Aki Kondo was attending an art university in Yamagata just over the mountain from the disaster stricken area. The school was temporarily closed, forcing Kondo to return to her family home in Sapporo. In this period she created a huge number of drawings and paintings. Overwhelmed by the shocking scenes on TV news, Kondo tried to express the fear, anger and sadness felt by people all over Japan as a result of this devastation; a piercing sense of loss and hopelessness which she describes as “the secondary tragedy”. To those who experienced the earthquake, the world has irrevocably changed after the catastrophe. Those who survived are constantly challenged to comprehend the significance of the natural disaster and the escalating nuclear tragedy that followed.