

14 Apr-5 Jun 2010

UH Arts + Culture
Hatfield AL10 9AB


In today's spectacularised media society, sincerity has an ambiguous status. What does today’s version of sincerity look like, and can we take it seriously? Focusing on sincere performance and the use of theatrical device in artists’ film, this exhibition explores how the value of sincerity is reflected and challenged in contemporary art practice. Including work by David Blandy, Katie Davies, Oriana Fox, Karin Kihlberg and Reuben Henry, Laura Kuch, Harold Offeh, Paul Teigh and Martin Russell the exhibition presents a range of ways to be sincere, convincing or otherwise, that unsettle relations between performer and audience. Presented by artsdepot. Curated by Alice Lobb and Marianne Mulvey.