
Bob Groves : Golden Years

4 Feb-19 Apr 2015

Ikon Gallery
Birmingham B1 2HS


Ikon marks 50 years since its first exhibition. On 5 April 1965 Ikon opened the doors in an octagonal glass-walled kiosk in the Bullring shopping precinct, now in 2015 Ikon exhibit the work of one of the founder artists, Bob Groves. Paintings made in the late 60s, they reflect his growing interest in middle eastern and south Asian culture, which in fact led Groves to collect icons, in turn inspiring him to suggest the name ‘Ikon’ for the gallery. With a luminosity derived from the superimposition of thin layers of oil and lacquer on hardboard, a selection of these little paintings will shine in Ikon’s reception area as a tribute their beginnings.