
Andrzej Klimowski : What Ho! Wodehouse Illustrations

9 Sep-12 Nov 2016

Londonprintstudio Gallery
London W10 4RE


Andrzej Klimowski's light hearted linocuts and installation celebrate the work of legendary comic writer P.G. Wodehouse. Klimowski, a leading illustrator / designer of his generation, has created a uniquely English period environment that we remember fondly, but which probably never existed. The exhibition features linocuts, installations and hand made props. There are also prints, many of which are for sale. Klimowski's designs - originally for the Everyman Wodehouse series - illustrate all 95 books written by Wodehouse during his lifetime. 'A few words about Klimowski? Impossible. You can't capture an imagination such as his in a sentence or two. He is a free man and you'll never catch him. He looks at things head-on but at the same time inside out and upside down, round the corner and through a shattered keyhole. His eye is a microscope, a magnifying glass, a two-way mirror and a crystal ball. He leads the field by a very long furlong, out on his own, making his own weather. He is Klimowski, unafraid.' HAROLD PINTER