
Online: Nick Terry | Watercolour Series

9 Apr-10 May 2020

Bartha Contemporary
London W11 2AF


Ahead of Nick Terry's showcase at our gallery later this year, we are delighted to announce an online exclusive exhibition of recent watercolours by Nick Terry: The compositions of Nick Terry’s watercolours are distilled from the inherent qualities of the materials he works with and the openness of his method to unforeseen developments. In his latest series, dating from the past several years, large rolls of vinyl-saturated papers, and application tapes, are employed as substrates. These thin, crepe-like papers induce the paint to pool into rivulets, pools, and crevices. Terry next edits down from each original large-scaled sheet, isolating and developing areas of interest, working free from the confines of a predetermined proportion. The scale and shape of each finished painting is the direct result of this process.


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