
Roman Štětina and Miroslav Buriánek: Instructions for use of Jiří Kolář

1 Oct-11 Dec 2016

Spike Island
Bristol BS1 6UX


A new feature-length film by Czech artist Roman ¦tětina and director of Czech radio drama Miroslav Buriánek. Czech artist Roman ¦tětina’s work investigates the processes of creating broadcast media including film, television and radio. His videos, installations and sculptures foreground the props, recording studios and technologies that are usually hidden behind the sounds and images received by an audience. At Spike Island, ¦tětina presents a new feature length film made in collaboration with Miroslav Buriánek – a director of radio drama who worked for the Czech Radio station for 37 years – which traces the process of recording a series of poems by the Czech poet, collage-artist and translator Jiří Kolář, Instructions for Use (1969), for radio broadcast.